
On March 17, 1942, the then mayor of Lienz, Emil Winkler, signed the purchase contract for Schloss Bruck, which was opened on June 13 of the following year as the Osttiroler Heimathaus, still in the midst of the turmoil of the Second World War. However, the museum operation lasted only briefly and had to be discontinued again after four months due to the war.

After the reopening in 1945, almost the entire extensive inventory of objects could be seen with few exceptions until 1998 and thus until the realignment of the museum concept.

Ein Haupaugenmerk der Ausstellungskonzipierung ist seither auf der mittelalterliche Burganlage selbst gerichtet. Schloss Bruck und seine Geschichte sind immer wieder Bestandteil von Sonderschauen. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bilden die Arbeiten von Albin Egger-Lienz, die permanent sowohl in einer Dauer- als auch in verschiedenen hochkarätigen Sonderausstellungen präsentiert und dem Besucher aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln näher gebracht werden.

The collection of the former local museum is now shown as part of annually changing thematic exhibitions.

Seit 2013, nach dem Umbau der ehemaligen Archäologischen Abteilung im Westtrakt der Burg, stehen neben dem Bergfried nun weitere Räumlichkeiten für die Präsentation zeitgenössischer Kunst, der Geschichte der Region und kleineren Ausstellungen aus dem Museum sbestand zur Verfügung.


The in-house collection of Schloss Bruck can be divided into four major focus areas: firstly, the art collection with paintings, graphic and sculptural works from over five centuries - from the Gothic altarpiece to paintings and sculptures by local contemporary artists.
The focus of the collection on archaeological objects lies in prehistoric and early historic finds from East Tyrol and the original objects from the excavations of the 20th century in the only Roman city in Tyrol, Aguntum. This collection complex was transferred to the Museum Aguntum in 2011.

Objects from the Osttirol Folklore (such as looms, chests, costumes, etc.), so-called "folk art" (ex-votos, bridal jewelry, etc.) and arts and crafts are part of the museum"s collection. And last but not least, the collection also includes a natural history department with animal preparations, rare minerals, etc.

Objects from the Schloss Bruck collection are regularly on display in changing special exhibitions in the house - but they also go on loan travels throughout Europe. Currently, work is underway on the digital recording and networking of all collection objects.